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A member registered Apr 12, 2022

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(1 edit)

Edit: The new version solves the stuff about skipping scenes/being able to miss stuff! :D

I simply cannot win against Iron. And yes, I do have all 3 attacks. Could someone give me a tip?

Oooh, it's RNG. Gotcha, gotcha! Thanks.

Ok. In the cave complex that you go to the orc village, I remember one of those part having diamond like enemies, but, in this save of mine now I can't find them. There is no passage that bringing me to that part again. Is there something I need to do before unlocking it?

Thank you~

Ok. I swear that Ruben has some naked sprites, but I never EVER in any save managed to do that??? I finish his works and, that is it, I don't remember ever having any other options with him.

OMG! That! I totally forgot that you also need spectral syrup! That was it, thank you.

Ok, I lost my save due changing pcs. But now that I started again I stumbled in, what I think is, a bug. Bernard doesn't wanna drink his medicine. No matter what I do. Did I make something out of order?